Macmillan Charity Event will be held at the Philip Astley Centre.
Thursday 26 Sept 2024 join Allyson Ford at the Philip Astley Centre in Newcastle-under-Lyme for a special Macmillan Coffee Morning with ‘Class, Coffee and Cake’.
A fun morning of refreshments and the opportunity to take part in a Chair-acise class, all while raising funds for the Douglas Macmillan Cancer Support Charity.
* What: Douglas Macmillan Charity Event.
* When: Thursday 26 Sept 2024. Doors Open 10.30 am.
* Where: The Philip Astley Projects Philip Astley Centre, 25 Merrial St, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 2AE (Corner of Fogg St Arcade, next to the bus stops and post box).
#macmillancoffeemorning #philipastleycentre #allydance #chairdance #chairfitness #funandfriendly #wellbeing #fightcancertogether #philipastleyprojects #philipastleyprojectscic
For more information about the amazing work that Macmillan do:
Information about Allyson Ford and her Allydance classes: allydanceexercise
Updates about Philip Astley Projects CIC and our events can be found at: The Philip Astley Project Facebook Page ,instagram and on the Philip Astley Project website: