Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage and the Chief Executive Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council Visit the Philip Astley Centre
The Philip Astley Centre today was visited by Cllr Craig Skelding, who is Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage and the Chief Executive Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council Gordon Mole. Both were absolutely amazed by the Centre as well as our current Showpeople of North Staffordshire Exhibition which is being extended to run through October.
The Showpeople exhibition has been a part of celebrating World Funfair Month – which is a global celebration held every September.
It’s fantastic to see such positive support from these local leaders for the Centre and the legacy of Philip Astley.
For more information about the events and updates on the Philip Astley Centre, please visit www.philipastley.org.uk and stay tuned to our social media channels.
Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council Andrew Van Buren
To learn more about professional performers Andrew Van Buren and Allyson plus their circus skills workshops click here
Updates can be found at: The Philip Astley Project Facebook Page & on Twitter also on both the Philip Astley Project website: www.philipastley.org.uk
To learn more about Philip Astley click Here
Pictured Cllr Craig Skelding, who is Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage and the Chief Executive Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council Gordon Mole with Philip Astley Project Chair Arthur Barnard and Philip Astley Project Director Andrew Van Buren.