Philip Astley Centre Ribbon Cutting Event
Philip Astley Centre is part way through its season of official opening events, all leading up to the official public opening which is on Saturday 9 March 2024.
The official civic opening and ribbon cutting event saw esteemed dignitaries, collaborators, leaders and members of the Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council joined by key supporters of this exciting project, all gathering to take part in the Philip Astley Centre ribbon cutting ceremony.
The grand opening of the Philip Astley Centre was graciously inaugurated by his worshipful the Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme Cllr Simon White who when cutting the ribbon was assisted by the Philip Astley Projects CIC team of Arthur Barnard, Andrew Van Buren, Allyson Ford Van Buren and Deepshikha Prasad.
However it was a ribbon cutting first for the Mayor as he cut the red ribbon twice when Andrew Van Buren lived up to his magical illusionist and magician reputation by visibly restoring the cut two halves of ribbon back into one full length, much to the delight of the audience, so that it could be cut a second time.
We are thrilled to announce that the Philip Astley Centre will officially open its doors to the public on March 9 2024 with a day full of activities.
Already launched is the Philip Astley Projects schools outreach programme which takes combines the Philip Astley story with circus skills workshops, taking the sessions into schools and providing the chance for classes to visit the Philip Astley Centre. For more information click here.
The Philip Astley Centre sees the refurbishment of a derelict property into a bright and exciting new visitor centre for Newcastle under Lyme.
Updates can be found at: The Philip Astley Project Facebook Page & on Twitter also on the Philip Astley Project website:
#philipastleycentre #philipastleyprojectscic #philipastleyprojects #andrewvanburen #mayorsimonwhite #newcastleunderlyme #vanburen